Why oh why didn't I see this movie sooner?
It rocked. So much.
See, I'm adopted. My biological mom is sort of a hard thing to go into, but let's just say the cactus reference was something that wasn't lost on me (if you've seen "Juno" you'll know what I mean by that). And my Mom, the one that raised me, well, she's been gone since July. Though really, she's been gone for a lot longer than that b/c she had Alzheimer's. And man, I f**king miss her more than I can say or explain.
Bigger though is the fact that now I'm a mom too. And my daughter, well hells bells, she is just the most.
The most.
So, Juno & Paul get to live happily ever after. Vanessa gets her baby. And Juno's parents are the kind of parents I want to be someday when I grow up. May my own personal Paul (aka JP) & I be so lucky as to watch this beautiful little girl become the amazing woman I already know she'll be. I'd like that, a lot.
Mom, I hope you're watching this w/ Grandma Pink. I think you'd be proud. Or at least, I hope so. Anyway, I love you. I miss you.
And Diablo Cody, wherever you are... thank you for telling "my" story, even if it isn't really mine. This little piece of cinematic heaven has gone right to a special corner of my heart.
The end.
P.S. A Side note:
The Tree Dude from our neighborhood association just dropped by. Not only am I getting the one CA Pepper tree I'd hoped for (in honor of mom) to replace the very dead piece of crap the City of Long Beach planted some 30 years ago, but I'm getting TWO. And my dad & I got to share a happy tearful moment together. The Tree Dude lost his mom the day after Xmas this year. He gave me a hug. I needed it. Thanks Tree Dude!
Thanks Universe (Life, Spirit, G-d). You rock too.
You have a tree dude? How do *I* get that job!
I know right?!
I know right?!
You have a tree dude? How do *I* get that job!
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