Friday, August 8, 2008

You got a head start in the race ...

...but I'm catching up in this little race of ours.

My trainers are laced tight, I'm finding my rhythm, adrenaline has started to kick in, the weight I was carrying as a handicap is lifting from my shoulders bit by bit, and I'm not looking back as often as I was. Soon enough, I'll even start to forget. I just will. And when I do, I'll drop to my knees & thank G-d w/ what is left of my pounding mush ball of a heart b/c this grieving shit is for the f**king birds.

So, awesome. Let's pick up the pace shall we? Why not! There's no reason to drag this out into a Iron Man style marathon.

Keep running 'til you're out of track. Oh, and may the "best" runner win.

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