Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fall Out

Ever had a falling out with someone (neighbor, friend, family member, lover, business associate, etc.) and then find yourself obsessing wondering how the f*ck you'll ever be able to extricate yourself from it? Yet with each apology, or peace offering, you end up sticking your foot even deeper into the proverbial sh*t?

Ever wonder how you be able to say "Hi. How are ya?" with a genuine smile if you happen to run into them on the street, in a cafe, or at the grocery store? Will the dreadful sick-to-my-stomach-I'm-surely-going-to-retch-now feeling that you might see them out & about ever cease? Will there come a point when just hearing about them in passing from a mutual friend or family member stops making you feel like your heart has been violently ripped out of your chest (for the umpteenth time)?

I'm just curious. Because this has kinda sucked enough already.


Mary P (Barnmaven) said...

Yes, I have. And I wish I had an answer. Sometimes those things do heal with time - or they at least reach a level where they don't produce such crippling anxiety. And other times, they don't.

I'm sorry it sucks.

Cheryl R. said...

Time wounds all heels.

Mary P (Barnmaven) said...

Yes, I have. And I wish I had an answer. Sometimes those things do heal with time - or they at least reach a level where they don't produce such crippling anxiety. And other times, they don't.

I'm sorry it sucks.