Whoa! It's holiday time again. And it's going to get away from me if I don't get my arse in gear. Our second in Seattle. The fifth for Dexy. And this year, her daddy is here with us, so I actually get to include his name on the cards & gifts for OUR family/friends. How is it possible that my greatest wish has finally come true? Lucky me, lucky Dexy!
For most of my adult life, I've faithfully sent out holiday cards each year by the dozens, if not hundreds. I enjoy receiving them too of course, but mostly I just really like the idea of letting the people I love most know that I'm thinking of them, even if it's only once a year.
Since becoming a mom, I've done photo cards on-line at Shutterfly.com because it's a great way to let everyone see how much my daughter has grown (from pudgy baby, to toddler and now preschooler) ...and this year will be no exception because as usual, they have the best selection of photo cards, calendars, etc. to choose from. IMMHO.
Anyhoo, the biggest dilemma I always have, other than picking the perfect photo/s, is which card style to order. 5x7, 4x8, flat or folded, pix of Dexy only, or all of us together, matte or glossy, etc.? Making things even more complicated is finding a card that is cool (since I'm not a very traditional kinda gal) and also one that is holiday neutral (since I'm Jew-ish but most of the folks I send cards to aren't).
Here is the card I sent Dexy's first year:

I'm really excited by all the available choices Shutterfly has this year! I've got it narrowed it down to these three styles; Mod Ornaments, Love and Laughter or Fa LaLa Christmas.
Which card do YOU like?
I need to make my decision toute de suite if I'm going to get them to the post in time.
This post is sponsored by Shutterfly. Click here for more information on how to win 50 FREE holiday cards at Shutterfly. Please be sure to reference Clever Girls 1000 (see original post on Greeblemonkey). Thanks!