Being a single mom on Mother's Day kinda sucks.
Just sayin'.
Just sayin'.
Also, I really wish my mom was here. Because if she was, I'd so be sitting outside on the patio with her right now. And we'd totally be drinking ice-cold-frothy-licious root beer, or maybe her ultimate favorite, root beer floats. Mmmm! (Okay, I'd probably be drinking a vodka gimlet, but I do still love root beer floats, thanks mom!). Mom would probably have some ridiculous white hat and ginormous "Jackie O" shades on. We'd just chill and chit chat, enjoying the (ahem) rare Seattle sunshine, and we'd watch Dexy play with her bubble blowing contraption. And then we'd make something awesome to eat (because my mom was a great cook) and she'd argue with me about how I was making it "wrong" or something equally stubborn and opinionated. And then later, we'd watch the sunset from the front porch and she'd yap at the neighbors, asking them all sorts of personal questions (which they would of course be compelled to answer gleefully). And after Dexy was in bed, she and I would snuggle up and watch a "shoot 'em up" movie (her favorite) until she fell asleep too, and then I'd tuck a blanket around her nice and tight, kiss her on the forehead, and I'd go to bed a happy, contented and loved mama.
Yeah, that would pretty much rock.

Me & my brother with mom, circa 1970.
what a great pic
HAHA. Isn't that hilarious? Look at my brother, with his hands in his slacks, looking all grown up (and he's barely 2 here). We're all gussied up, and it was probably just a regular day. Mom never let us out of the house looking sloppy, that's for sure.
Sorry you couldn't spend the day like that. :( Happy Mother's Day.
Thanks Dawn, I hope you had a good day too! In fact, I hope ALL the mamas had a great day. XOXO
Cheryl, you have created a beautiful dreamscape. I believe such dreams are not dreamed in vain.
Awww, thanks Joanie. My mom would have had the BEST time w/ Dexy if she was still around. Hell, she and I would be ripping up the universe. Traveling, eating, seeing movies, playing w/ Dexy and just enjoying being ADULTS together. There are so many things I wish I could ask her now, as a mom, and a grown woman. So much about her I didn't know, and will never get to know. It sucks. What can you do?
What a great time you would have had! I think the love we feel as we honor those we have lost is just as important as what could have been.
Cheryl my mom died before I had kids too and I really wish I could have one last conversation with her. I loved this post. Happy Mother's day! Someday Dexy will be bigger and make you cards and breakfast. Just a few more years. Hugs!
I'm sorry you couldn't share today with your mom. I hope you were surrounded by people who love you. Happy Mother's Day. :)
Cheryl my mom died before I had kids too and I really wish I could have one last conversation with her. I loved this post. Happy Mother's day! Someday Dexy will be bigger and make you cards and breakfast. Just a few more years. Hugs!
Cheryl, you have created a beautiful dreamscape. I believe such dreams are not dreamed in vain.
Sorry you couldn't spend the day like that. :( Happy Mother's Day.
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