On my wrist I wear a bracelet To help me think, pray and cope Of the day I lost my mother With Alzheimer's there's no hope She was stripped of all her memory Of a family she loved so All her friends and loved ones Didn't want to see her go God had a special reason To end her suffering and her pain Heaven's gates flew wide open Such an angel did He gain Some of her many loved ones Waited there with opened arms She now has back her memory And all her loving charms Someday I will be thankful For a cure from this disease Until then, for Mama I will wear this bracelet To put my mind at ease.
My mom passed away on Tuesday July 24 2007, after an 11+ year battle w/ Alzheimer's Disease. She would have been 78 in August. I can't believe it's already been a week since she left this earth.
Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. ~Roger Caras
I once saw a movie called "What Dreams May Come" w/ Robin Williams... it is a good movie, but I'm remembering it today b/c in it, dogs get to go to heaven.
I believe this is true. Dogs are truly some of the most special creatures I've ever know & I cannot imagine a heaven without them, nor a G-d that would create such amazing creatures to deny them a place in heaven. In fact, I think dogs are more likely to be given entry than WE are.
Today, my 12 year old coon hound Marley and my 11 year old heeler Tango went to heaven. I know G-d is stroking their soft, unmarred fur. I know they are rolling in endless fields of green grass.
I can't stop crying. I know it will get better, but I feel as though I failed them somehow. Their last months should have been better, happier, soft & comfy, on my bed, & in my life the way it used to be before we moved in this house. They should have been w/ their pack (me & Dex) instead of sequestered in a small room and the yard, separated from us. It wasn't fair. And I hate my dad for it.
But I got to be there w/ them today when they both went to sleep, side by side. Tango first, then Marley. And I will forever be haunted by this last memory of them, their heads drooping, and then lying lifeless on the floor. But I am glad I wasn't a coward, I'm glad I held them and petted them as they left this earth. And I also know they will be watching over me & Dex forever... w/ Frasier, Jasper, Brandy, and Teresa by their side.
I love you my little doggie doodles. I hope you can forgive me for these past 4 months. Rest in peace. I'll see you again someday, please don't forget me okay?