Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Ho. Hum. Dee. Dum.

Sometimes I just bore the crap out of myself.

Like today. I haven't been feeling good for several weeks, if not months. Some of it is stress certainly. The rest I can attribute to my crappy diet, poor sleep cycles and my stupid Hashimoto's (thyroid) disease that has plagued me for the better part of 10 years.

Anyway, I am really happy to finally be in Seattle. I just wish I felt better. Then maybe I wouldn't bore myself (or you) quite so much. Or maybe I would.

Hmmmm. What was I saying?


Anonymous said...

>>Some of it is stress certainly<<


Karlynn Moller Rossetti said...

Hey lady! Kahina asked where her friend Dexy was today! :-) I hope you start feeling better, let me know if you need *anything*. Also about the Hashimoto's....I have a couple of good mama friends who are dealing with the same thing, if you'd like some support! Hope to see you both again soon!

Karlynn Moller Rossetti said...

Hey lady! Kahina asked where her friend Dexy was today! :-) I hope you start feeling better, let me know if you need *anything*. Also about the Hashimoto's....I have a couple of good mama friends who are dealing with the same thing, if you'd like some support! Hope to see you both again soon!