Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
This pretty much KILLED me... this & the two Marines that folded & then presented me the U.S. flag at my father's graveside.
And no, I wasn't the one who took the video. I was far too busy weeping & wailing like a big frackin' baby over by the wall crypt. One of my twitter friends shot this, as well as some great photos of the service that I'll post later -- I will forever adore him for it.
I love the Marines. G-d bless them for serving their country so bravely. G-d bless them for suiting up and showing up, not just at my dad's funeral but every. single. day. And seriously? G-d bless them for making sure my father was escorted safely to his final resting place. That is all.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I may be kind of biased... but I think they were just about the purdiest couple ever. Movie star purdy. G-d, I really miss them both. A lot.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Quick Update on My Dad

At 6:08am on July 12, 2008, my father passed away very peacefully with a hospice nurse by his side (thank you Daisy for being there w/ him when he passed). He was 83.
I have so much I want to say about my dad but I am really just too out of it right now to even focus properly. Losing both parents in just under a year is pretty sucky. What more can I say about that? Even though in many ways, I've been sans parents for nearly a decade, the REALITY of their both being gone is starting to hit me. And frankly, it's hitting me rather hard, which I didn't expect.
I will certainly post a far more suitable tribute to my Pop very soon. But until I can muster up the energy to do so, I'll simply say...
Goodbye Daddy. I love you & I will miss you always! Your daughter, Cheryl ~
Friday, July 11, 2008
This is the end, my only friend
Apple Computer picked this day to upgrade iPhone software with absolute failure - no AT&T connection, so my iPhone is down & completely inoperable. I can NOT make or receive any phone calls or text messages.
You can leave messages at my dad's home phone (those of you who know me have the number).
Jeremy is still here & will be taking care of Declan today. I will update further when I can.
Just when you think it can't possibly get any worse...
My dad has been on hospice since October. He's had health problems for many years, a direct result of 40+ years as a smoker & a lifetime of alcoholism to boot. But once my mom died, his health went South in a hurry. Honestly, I am not entirely sure how (or why) he's held on this long, except that I think he's afraid of the alternative.
Yesterday, he aspirated on his lunchtime nutritional shake. By 4pm he was unresponsive. By 6pm, I was on the blower seemingly non-stop w/ my brother, the board & care facility administrator, with RN friends, and with the Hospice nurse, etc. By 7pm dad was on oxygen & a nebulizer treatment to open up his bronchial passages, and liquid morphine & Compazine to make him comfortable. My brother & I were at his bedside, holding his hands. He would squeeze our hands back fairly regularly. A reflex? An attempt at communication? I don't know. I'm just glad I was there b/c I never got to DO that with my mom, she was just gone in a heartbeat.
I left the facility at 10pm to go home to my daughter & her daddy who has been in town visiting since Tuesday night. I fell asleep next to his warm & familiar body, a body I've loved for almost 3 years (which is a whole other sad pathetic mess of a story) somewhere after midnight. Woke up at 3am drenched in sweat. From then on, I just dozed in & out of a fitful sleep. Gave up on the idea completely at 6:30 to upgrade my iPhone to 2.0 software, but that's not working. So, here I am. Blogging. Lucky you, my 2 or 3 readers! Happy Friday, aren't you glad you've tuned in? *snort*
No news yet from hospice folks about my dad, which leads me to believe he's made it through the night. I'll soon be faced with going back over to see him, as well to say goodbye to Dex's daddy for what feels like our third (and in some ways most painfully real) breakup. I'm not sure I can do this Mommy Thing without him, and yet really, I feel like I've never had him in the first place. Not really. And yeah we can point fingers back and forth all damn day about who's to "blame" for that, but what difference does it make? Love is a two-way street. One person cannot love enough for two. We both made mistakes. We both kept our walls up & didn't trust enough. And what I've learned too is that love & relationships take way more work than just about anything on the planet. Movies? They lie. You have to make the conscious choice to stay, to love, to be present, to communicate, to be willing, to do the deal together, to tell the Truth (no matter what)... Every. Single. Day.
I'm glad to know that I'm at least capable of doing that. I feel really bad though that I learned it too late to "save" this relationship, b/c this particular man pretty much means the world to me. I had no idea love could be this big. Almost as big as the love I feel for my daughter, and let me tell you folks, that love is f*cking HUGE.
I'm already grateful for this experience. If I'm lucky, someone may return the favor someday. Because ya know what? Turns out, I'm a total soft squishy girl & I want to be cherished & treasured & loved this much, I really do... But for today I'm just so done w/ all this damn grief. Enough already. I want my "Happy Ever After" -- even just a smidge would be nice. I'm just sayin'.
This is not a Poor Me post... I know that I'll be okay no matter what. I know I'll get through to the other side of what all this FEELS like right now. It's been a rough year, being a grown up is hard. Big deal. So what?
All that G-d requires of me is that I trust in the process, that I connect, that I strive to reach my Highest Good every single day. My life has a purpose, even if I don't always know what it is. Right now though, what I really I want is for someone to put their arms around me & tell me it's gonna be okay (and I want to BELIEVE them).
The end.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
One Year

"If I have any beliefs about immortality, it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven, and very, very few persons."
-- James Thurber (1894-1961)
Tomorrow (July 7) it will have been one year since I had to put my two "furry children" to sleep... and damnit. I still miss them. A lot.
I'm so glad there's a Doggie Heaven (at least there is in MY vision of heaven) It makes it somehow easier when I think of them hanging out w/ my mom & grandma up there, watching over me & Dexy.
Just sayin'.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Tag! You're it!
VDog (@vdog) sort of indirectly tagged me when I was reading her blog earlier. I thought, "Ooooh, I like these... they're fun!" Therefore, I'm gonna share the game with YOU, my 2 or 3 avid readers. *snort*
The rules:1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
6. Let your tagger know when your blog entry is up.
Six Random Things About Me (aka @jasperblu):
1. I'm a reunited adoptee & was once an active member of a little Open Records group called Bastard Nation.
2. I heart men who have a "thing" for feet.
3. I'm a total Bird Nerd (as in Audubon Society).
4. I'm kind of a plant, nature, architecture, dance, movie, art & tech nerd too.
5. Speaking of men, my favorite "parts" on a man are noses, teeth & forearms.
6. A guy I used to date murdered his famous brother, then killed himself (Scary, but true!).
The blog tags are:
Laura Loves Art
Have fun with it everyone,
'76 part deaux
Friday, July 4, 2008
Don't Tread on Me

This is my most favorite National Holiday. And not just b/c I get to watch mid-season major league baseball, be barefoot, or attend block party BBQ's and drink cold beer while the kids run around like maniacs (though those things are all quite nice indeed).
I have fond adult memories of being in towns like Chicago & Washington DC where live symphony orchestras play Sousa marches & the fireworks displays literally knock your socks off! Conversely, I've been to many a local 4th of July parade in nearby beach towns like Huntington or Seal, where everyone is in flip flops & tank tops, cruising around on their bikes & slurping up melting popsicles. But best of all? Being a Mama & seeing the absolute wonder on my daughters face when (gasp! illegal) sparklers and pinwheels light up the pavement at dusk.
I'm also old enough to remember 1976, our Nation's 200th birthday. It was the year the Freedom Train traveled across the country (it actually came to my hometown of Long Beach CA - crazy that we still had train tracks in our city to accommodate it). I remember it being a time when every home on our block flew an American Flag from their porch. It was also a time when we all had patches ironed/sewn on to our jeans of peace signs w/ an American Flag background (remember those?). The Bicentennial Celebration made us feel super patriotic & proud of our country and there was no shame in it, as there seems to be now. We ran around barefoot, played kick the can & flag football in the street, climbed trees & ate 25 cent candy bars with our allowance money. Jimmy Carter became President & his daughter Amy was my age (which was totally weird). At my elementary school, we sewed Betsy Ross flags, wore white cotton bonnets, hung red white & blue banners from the windows, and then had a pageant on the playground. Our parents sat on the grass munching on yummy picnic snacks & clapped along w/ us as we sang & marched. I'll never forget 1976. It's certainly my most memorable childhood Independence Day celebration (probably because it lasted all year long - LOL).
What do YOU remember?
Happy Independence Day everyone, I hope you have a great time w/ your families & friends.
The End.