Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mr. Good Enough is Actually Perfectly Awesome

I was over on Ms. Single Mama's blog the other day and saw a reference to this book:

Do NOT be fooled by this title!

And of course, the title totally made me cringe. But I bought it anyway. And now I'm more than 1/2 way through it, and much like the PAX workshops I've been attending since May, this book is changing my life. Not just incrementally. But like, monumentally.

Cool right?

So I'm sharing it with you my 41 readers.

P.S. You're welcome.


Barnmaven said...

I'd have to read the book to have a decent opinion, but since I've now got two failed marriages behind me I'm probably not a very good subject matter expert. :)

I would caution anyone that there is a danger in settling.

Cheryl R. said...

Mary, the title is VERY misleading. Really has nothing to do w/ settling at all. Highly recommend.

Sybil Runs Things said...

Interesting! Does it pertain to those of us already married?

Cheryl R. said...

Sybil, YES it does!! Especially if you ever think of leaving said spouse to "trade up" or b/c you think said spouse isn't as great as he should be, etc.


Barnmaven said...

I'd have to read the book to have a decent opinion, but since I've now got two failed marriages behind me I'm probably not a very good subject matter expert. :)

I would caution anyone that there is a danger in settling.